Monday, December 12, 2011

My Day Job!

By night - animal care manger, but by day, I teach technology.  Here's a demo of one of the programs I use to teach computer science.  I created this demo for my Web 2.0 Class use Screencast-O-matic:

If you are interested in learning more, you can finad the Alice programming language here.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wake up, Maggie, I think I got something to say to you

We like to say that we got Maggie from a door-to-door boxer salesman.  One pleasant fall day about 10 years ago, JC and I were working in the yard when a pickup truck pulled into the driveway.  “Are you the people with the boxers?”  The couple who hopped out of the truck were barely seventeen, raggedly dressed, and the young woman had a baby, well fed but ill washed, balanced on her hip.  “Well, yes, we have boxers.”  “You want another one?  My uncle gave this one to us, and we can’t afford to take of it.  If you can’t take it, we are just gonna have to turn her loose.”

Ohmygoddeepsigh, this is exactly the kind of thing that drives me crazy.  I said, “Well, please don’t do that.  There are rescue organizations that can help you.  You might have to keep her for a while, but we can help you to get her placed.   Let’s go take a look.”  And with that, they loaded into their truck; we hopped into our truck, and followed them around the corner to their trailer.
 The young woman pointed out their other dogs as we got out – a pregnant pit bull getting ready to give birth on the porch, a Samoyed or spitz-type in a doghouse in the front – both well fed but dirty.  On the side of the house a dog was tied up.  This one made me shudder – I can only think of it as a “ghost-dog”.  A large white hound type, it was excruciatingly emaciated, in the way that only dogs suffering from diseases like cancers or dogs deliberately held and starved are emaciated ; even street dogs generally do not look like this.  The kids told us they found it running the streets two nights prior, felt sorry for it and brought it home.  They asked our advice, and we recommended they turn it in to a shelter where it could get care or be dealt with humanely.  Then we went around back – to a yard filled with filth – bag after bag of rotted garbage and huge piles of debris.  Tied to a tree, with no swivel on the tie, wrapped completely around the tree and unable to reach her water, getting frenzied as soon as we appeared, was the most pitiful excuse for a little brindle boxer I had ever seen.  Just 35 lbs. (she is now a healthy 55), and as turned out, filled with hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and high positive for heartworms, milk not yet dried from her last litter – she was pathetic.  “Her name is Sugar.  She’s a real good mama,” the girl said, “My uncle bred her with his pit bull when she came into heat the first time and she had a whole lotta puppies.”  Poor thing, not quite a year old, and just about used up!

JC took a deep breath, looked at me with “the look”, and said to the young man, “Put her in my truck.”  “Can you get her unhooked?” the kid asked.  It seems they were scared of her.  JC unhooked the poor girl from the tree, picked up her tiny little body, carried her to the front, and deposited her into the F150, where she rode in my lap, licking my face and covering me in fleas.  We decided to rename her to reflect her new start in life, so Sugar became SugarMagnolia AKA Maggie.

We have a saying Chez Vasak:  “A free dog costs $800.”   By the time we were finished deworming, spaying, heartworm treatment, et. al, I think Maggie may have nudged us closer to a grand.  To their credit, the young couple came by a week or so later.  They told us they had taken Ghost Dog to the shelter,  and asked after “Sugar”.  When they learned about all the vet care she would require and what it cost, they were a bit crestfallen.  “Oh… wow.  Then we really couldn’t afford to keep her.”  I like to think they learned a little that day – if they had as much sense as they had heart, they’d be an asset.  Maggie took two months to build up enough to treat for heartworm. Her treatment was traumatic for everyone.  She is a dog who panics at being crated and gets hysterical during storms.  Dogs being treated for heartworm must be kept quiet to prevent potential deadly side effects from embolism and shock resulting from the death of the adult heartworms.  Upon being crated, Maggie panicked and rocked the crate physically of the floor until she exhausted herself.  The vet gave us 40 mg of valium daily to keep her calm.  It DID NOT work – she was still frantic.  We would have been better served, I think, reserving the valium and taking it ourselves, since, by this point, we were also frantic.
We did, however get through it, and were left with a completely physically healthy, totally neurotic dog.  She wanted to spend every minute climbing into our laps.  She couldn’t bear to not be touching us.  She shrieked through weather events (Hurricane Ike was fun.)  When reprimanded or faced with new or stressful situations (and most things were stressful) she urinated.  And yet for all that, she really WAS sweet as sugar, loyal, loved children, gentle and kind.  One day early on, we let her outside in the yard.  A few minutes later, I panicked – “Oh my gosh, JC, I think I screwed up – I didn’t close the gate!”.  I rushed to the door, opened it, and Maggie fell over the threshold, from where she had been leaning on the front door.  I commented to JC that “Just letting her go, as the young couple was planning to do, was clearly not an option in our case.”

Obedience classes helped a great deal.  Her submissive urination was virtually eliminated, and she learned to stop climbing our laps and just lean against our knees.  She was not ever going to be an intellectual, but proper training and high levels of attention turned her into an animal we could live with.  It was particularly helpful that we had other large dogs that loved her and guided her.  Dolly, our boxer-pit cross, was her companion and helped her build confidence.  Later, after Dolly passed away, Cheyenne took her place.  Today Maggie is near-blind and Cheyenne serves as her guide dog as well as her companion. 
Maggie is eleven now, ancient for a boxer, and her head has turned completely grey with age.  Physically, the vet tells us, she is in excellent condition.  Mentally, she is in decline and suffers from canine cognitive disorder.  She gets lost both in the house and outside if Cheyenne is not by her side.  She is getting needier.  She is regularly forgetting her housebreaking.   Worst of all, her crate panic has returned with a vengeance, making the housebreaking issues MUCH more of a problem.  She has completely eating through several kinds of kennels, panicking and breaking welds, ripping out fasteners, etc.  We resolved this temporarily by confining her to one (tiled) room with baby gates, but she has started to treat the entire ROOM like a kennel, whining crying, panicking, and busting out the gates. 

We are hesitant to have her put down – as long as she is not locked up she is fine and has decent quality of life, and physically she is perfectly healthy.  But oh my gosh, this is stressful on everyone.  My friend and coworker Bonnie told me about a tool her vet suggested, called a DAP collar.  DAP stands for “Doig Appeasing Pheremones.  My first thought was, “Hey this has got to be new age bunk.”  For an old new-agey hippie chick, I can be quite the skeptic.  Then I did some research and found some pretty compelling research that suggested the collar was worth a try – so I risked my 20 bucks and ordered one.
Maggie Takes a Kennel Nap
We received our collar on Thursday, and put it on the dog yesterday.   It smelled rather perfume-y and had a bunch of white powder that immediately crumbled onto my hands and they dog, but we persevered and got it on her.   My initial response:  THIS IS AWESOME!  Thanks, Bonnie Bee – you might have saved a good dog’s life!  We put her into a nice new kennel this morning (one that DIDN’T have the doors chewed off).  She napped quietly in her kennel for SIX HOURS with no sign of stress.  I am looking forward to maintaining a lower stress environment for everyone.  Excellent product, well worth a try.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Maybe you thought all I do is pick up after my animals.  It would, after all, be a reasonable assumption.  However I also have a fulltime job teaching technology to middle school and high school students, and I coach a robotics team.  I garden a little bit, and I collect antique toys and dolls.  I have even been published on the subject of antique dolls.  Here’s a link to an article I wrote on  Springfield Wooden Dolls and a video I produced on Springfield wooden dolls for my Web 2.0 class

 It doesn’t happen as much as I’d like, but last weekend I managed to sneak away for long enough to attend the train show at the George R. Brown convention center.  It was really fun and informative.   The folks who do scale modeling have a number of different scales, or sizes, that they model, from tiny Z scale and N scales, the popular HO scales, the larger O and O27 (toy) scales through the big G or Garden scales meant to travel through a yard or around a Christmas tree.    The model train clubs hosting the show set up side-by-side sets of all different scales so it was easy to see the relative sizes.  Although my husband is highly interested in scale modeling, I am more interested in vintage and antique toys.  I always wanted toy trains as a child (a-way back in the Madmen era), but my parents thought that they were expensive, easy to break, and meant for boys, so I got none.  (Ditto, by the way for Slotless Race Cars and Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots

                                               JC checks out the layouts

As an adult, I have learned to provide for myself!  About 10 years ago, a trip to San Francisco’s Foot Hills Flea Market, a haven for electronics geeks everywhere, netted me a complete box of vintage Marx tin litho trains, with controllers and an engine, for a mere $50.    I’ve been collecting bits and pieces ever since.  I hope to put together a great tinscale layout to set up and run around my collection of Marx tin dollhouses.

I got a great piece for my collection at the show – a wonderful little handcar, works like a champ!

Until next time, revert to your childhood and go hug your pet!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cheyenne, Mighty Hunter!

Cheyenne is either a small American Staffordshire terrier or a large Staffordshire Bull terrier.  We’re not sure – we were told she was a “staffy”.  She was abandoned in trailer during Hurricane Ike, and her owners, who fled to Florida, were unable to return to Houston.  She ended up with us during the weeks after Ike, and she’s never left.  She is kenneled when we are away, because she can be kind of single-minded sometimes.
                                                   MOM!  Let me OUTTA HERE!

Here’s an example – she is great at finding and eliminating vermin in the yard.  She and Maggie, the aging boxer, have located something beneath a pile of lumber on one side of our yard. 
                                                       It's right in there, guys - go get it!
With a little direction from Chip, the Chihuahua, and some assistance from JC (AKA “daddy”), they routed out and eliminated a nest of baby rodents – good dogs, no rats in the yard!

                                                                      Daddy lends a hand


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Things that go ZZZZZ in the night

Joey and Dutch, our Timneh grey pair, are really delightful companions, but are not my first grey birds. 

Many years ago I got my first parrot, a lovely recently imported Timneh African Grey.  She was shy and wild, and it took a long time to tame her, though spending hours sitting and talking and singing and reading to her eventually won her over.  She lived in my bedroom – a novice bird-owner mistake that actually resulted in many other funny stories, none of which I will repeat here.  (For those of you who don't know, Timneh greys are superb mimics - ooops!)  She had the liberty of the room, which was kept closed off to keep her from encounters with the cats.

One night, about two years after she came to live with us, my husband spent the night away on business.  I took the opportunity to have an early dinner and read before bed – a Stephen King novel, “Pet Cemetery” of all the weird choices-  so I went to bed a tad jumpy.  I woke from my sleep in the wee hours – my bedside clock showed just after 3AM – to the sound of my husband snoring beside me.  “Wait.  My husband is out of town.  I am awake, alone in the house, and someone is snoring!  I was ill with fear for a good several moments before I realized that the darn bird was imitating my husband’s snore.  She had learned that after bedtime, under her cage cover, the only noises she could make that did not elicit a “bad bird, be quiet” were “night noises” - snoring punctuated by an occasional unfortunately realistic bout of flatulence.  Not pretty, and it scared me half to death!

Joey and Dutch live in the dining room!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kuranda Beds - an awesome product!

If you have dogs or cats, check out Kuranda Beds

I love these beds.  They are nearly indestructable, wonderfully orthopedic for older dogs with achy joints, and super-easy to clean.  I have the dog versions plus a 5-unit cat tower for the cats.

I got very tired of dealing with regular dog beds. Our dogs are very, well, doggie.  They roll in smelly things, they shed, they get dusty, they have "dietary indiscretions" that cause vomiting, and occasionally I will have a spiteful cat that decides to urinate in one of the dogs' sleeping quarters just for sport.  With a regular dog bed, that meant either try to wash something that did not wash well, or throwing it out and replacing it.  Kuranda beds hose down easily, and can be disassembled and thoroughly washed if needed.  They also have deep discounts for shelters and rescues as well as a donation program.  I'm always in favor of social responsability. 

My dogs were a little skeptical at first, but after I encouraged them to get on the beds with a couple of treats, they were hooked.  They frequently pile on a Kuranda in pairs or groups.  The beds are a little pricey, but well worth it in the long run.
Maggie in her Kuranda bed

Until next time - go hug your pets!

So, like, what's with your blog name?

"Of Cabbages and Kings" is a reference to my favorite Lewis Carroll poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter."

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

It is a reference to the notion that a blog, even one with a specific focus, should cover a number of viewpoints and explore as many divirse aspects of a topic as possible.  It reflects my personal philosophy towards blogging, and it is a hint of what you can expect to see here - personal stories about my pets, yes, but guest blogs, product reviews, reviews and recommendations for stores, training tips, pets in the news,  events for petlovers, and more.

Mostly, though, it is just because I like the phrase, and that's the way I roll.

For the curious and the nerdy, check out the poem in it's entirety here:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome to the madhouse

I live in a crazy place.  My house is a rundown 50s ranch on the outskirts of Houston, in unincorporated Harris County.  I have about three quarters of an acre of fenced-in land, where I garden and keep my family - my husband, JC, who is an animal care tech at UT Med School, and our large and unruly group of critters.  Our current group includes:

Chip, 14 year old brindle chihuahua
Maggie, 12 year old brindle boxer
Mariposa, 7 year old Boston Terrier /chihuahua mix
Cane, 7 year old lhasa apso
Cheyenne, 5 year old bindle Staffordshire bull terrier
Brick and Ash, 6 year old HUGE black cats we bottle-raised
Joey and Dutch, 25 year old and 20 year old pair of Timneh African grey parrots
Sam and Al, 18 and 19 year old macaws - Sam is a blue/gold and Al is a greenwing
Chica, 8 year old severe macaw
Cici, 5 year old greencheek conure
Mork, 5 year old violet English budgie
Hamilton, 18 year old potbelly pig
Some fish to be named later

Last week we lost our precious 18 year old chihuahua, Oscar - I promise I will tell you more about him in an upcoming post, along with  introducing you to each of these guys and some of our past friends, too.  Look for some special guest doggie bloggers, too - Max, Raspa, Bartlet, Gumbo - this means you!

I will close with some pics of our most recent additions.  In our grief over the loss of our dog, we succombed to a chicken purchase.  Not that this was a really bad or entirely unexpected purchase; we had a new hen house built and ready, and were prepared to purchase when we found what we wanted.  And find it we did - we now own 6 barred rock pullets (young hens) and a gorgeous blue Ameraucana cockerel (young rooster).
We haven't named them yet, so watch this site to vote on rooster names soon!

Girls taking a little afternoon dip

He's a little bit shy... but oh so pretty!

Until next time - go hug your pet!