Sunday, September 11, 2011

Things that go ZZZZZ in the night

Joey and Dutch, our Timneh grey pair, are really delightful companions, but are not my first grey birds. 

Many years ago I got my first parrot, a lovely recently imported Timneh African Grey.  She was shy and wild, and it took a long time to tame her, though spending hours sitting and talking and singing and reading to her eventually won her over.  She lived in my bedroom – a novice bird-owner mistake that actually resulted in many other funny stories, none of which I will repeat here.  (For those of you who don't know, Timneh greys are superb mimics - ooops!)  She had the liberty of the room, which was kept closed off to keep her from encounters with the cats.

One night, about two years after she came to live with us, my husband spent the night away on business.  I took the opportunity to have an early dinner and read before bed – a Stephen King novel, “Pet Cemetery” of all the weird choices-  so I went to bed a tad jumpy.  I woke from my sleep in the wee hours – my bedside clock showed just after 3AM – to the sound of my husband snoring beside me.  “Wait.  My husband is out of town.  I am awake, alone in the house, and someone is snoring!  I was ill with fear for a good several moments before I realized that the darn bird was imitating my husband’s snore.  She had learned that after bedtime, under her cage cover, the only noises she could make that did not elicit a “bad bird, be quiet” were “night noises” - snoring punctuated by an occasional unfortunately realistic bout of flatulence.  Not pretty, and it scared me half to death!

Joey and Dutch live in the dining room!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kuranda Beds - an awesome product!

If you have dogs or cats, check out Kuranda Beds

I love these beds.  They are nearly indestructable, wonderfully orthopedic for older dogs with achy joints, and super-easy to clean.  I have the dog versions plus a 5-unit cat tower for the cats.

I got very tired of dealing with regular dog beds. Our dogs are very, well, doggie.  They roll in smelly things, they shed, they get dusty, they have "dietary indiscretions" that cause vomiting, and occasionally I will have a spiteful cat that decides to urinate in one of the dogs' sleeping quarters just for sport.  With a regular dog bed, that meant either try to wash something that did not wash well, or throwing it out and replacing it.  Kuranda beds hose down easily, and can be disassembled and thoroughly washed if needed.  They also have deep discounts for shelters and rescues as well as a donation program.  I'm always in favor of social responsability. 

My dogs were a little skeptical at first, but after I encouraged them to get on the beds with a couple of treats, they were hooked.  They frequently pile on a Kuranda in pairs or groups.  The beds are a little pricey, but well worth it in the long run.
Maggie in her Kuranda bed

Until next time - go hug your pets!

So, like, what's with your blog name?

"Of Cabbages and Kings" is a reference to my favorite Lewis Carroll poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter."

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

It is a reference to the notion that a blog, even one with a specific focus, should cover a number of viewpoints and explore as many divirse aspects of a topic as possible.  It reflects my personal philosophy towards blogging, and it is a hint of what you can expect to see here - personal stories about my pets, yes, but guest blogs, product reviews, reviews and recommendations for stores, training tips, pets in the news,  events for petlovers, and more.

Mostly, though, it is just because I like the phrase, and that's the way I roll.

For the curious and the nerdy, check out the poem in it's entirety here: